пятница, 7 февраля 2020 г.


Basing on datasheet I wrote a small script that reconfigures APC-2x0 transceivers and also works on Linux! I am quite sure everything is ok, they are programming but not communicating. It only takes a minute to sign up. Sign up to join this community. I had to first connect the data lines and ground, then put in the VCC to power the module, and RF-Magic sees it immediately. Is there a difference. rf-magic apc220

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This is the same version of rfmagic i am currently trying with. Is there a difference. OK, so what does "can't get them to work" mean? I had to first connect the data lines and ground, then put in the VCC rf-magif power the module, and RF-Magic sees it immediately.

I tried a FTDI cable but this does not help. You have to configure the adapter to COM1 port, and then with open source software, you connect the transceiver. Jussi Jussi 11 1 1 bronze badge.

Check the that baudrate setting in your code and the APC rf-msgic are all the same, e. You will see "Hello" appear on your screen every second. Asked 9 years ago.

rf-magic apc220

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Much better off with XBees, which worked almost instantly.

I have purchased a pair of APC modules. Hi guys, Before i used to work with apc rf modules. It is perfect for robotic applications if you need wireless control. Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for electronics and electrical engineering professionals, apc2200, and enthusiasts.

Fr-magic RF-Magic program is proving less than magical as it does not see the device. Now run RF-Magic, you will have to confirm the program is safe to run.

APC220 Radio Communication Module

I down loaded the drivers from Silabs and the RF-magic 4. Active 2 years, 8 months ago. The PC will receive the message "Hello!

The one with Yellow color but not Black is the old version, but the lastest driver should be compatible. These are the modules i got.

How to avoid rf-maagic Run as Administrator every time. Go to Silicon Labs to download for your system.

You might possibly have previously used a different rf-mqgic utility for the Also other values probably work, I only tried these and it was all good! Right-click and goto "properties". I am not a personal consultant.

APC Radio Communication Module-DFRobot

I note that you said your earlier ones were RF, not RF Can you connect with them in the setup utility? OldSteve Faraday Member Posts: Anyway, you could try this driver instead.

rf-magic apc220

I am suspecting that it is a different model. And others will benefit as well if you post your question publicly on the forums. Set the checkbox "Run this program as Administrator".

rf-magic apc220

Are you sure that the RF channels, air rate and serial baud rates all match?

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