вторник, 4 февраля 2020 г.


If enabled, then this port allows multicast streams through it. The switch's Snmp Trap Receiver Name. A summary table for switch's lag config entries. Min value is one hour and maximum is a week. Agent Serial Hardware Flow Control. This is applicable to the series and will always return false for the earlier device versions. airespace-switching-mib

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Throughout this MIB, this entity also referred to as 'controller'. Agent Lag If Index.

OID stpInstanceTopologyChangeTrap reference info

Agent Login Session UserName of the switch. This is 0 for the virtual interface. System uptime when trap was sent. False if FIPS mode has not been enabled. Sets the idle user timeout. Fan Failure Log Trap.

Reference record for OID

Timeout in seconds for a TFTP message packet. This object is used to configure the health of the interface identified by agentInterfaceName. Airspace-switching-mib summary table of the switch's lag config entries. The switch's web access mode.

IT Management & Network Monitoring

Broadcast Storm End Log Trap. This is the configured physical mode. When creating a new community entry, initial Status will be set to this value. Maximum number of retries to be allowed for a TFTP message packet.


Broadcast Storm Start Log Trap. When you specify Enable for Broadcast Storm Recovery and the broadcast traffic on any Ethernet port exceeds 20 percent of the link speed, the switch blocks discards the broadcast traffic until the broadcast traffic returns to 10 percent or less.

These interfaces are already created by default. The switch's Inventory system description. Transfer download tftppath configures the directory path where the file is located. The row, when created with the row status value of 'createAndGo' or 'createAndWait' is moved to the 'active' state automatically by the agent and remains in that state till airespace-swtiching-mib time the row Up to six simultaneous airesoace-switching-mib receivers are supported.


Agent Serial Hardware Flow Control. It can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters. The port number on the Wcp Device that this controller is residing on. If there is any change in the information on this table, the checksum changes. Transfer upload datatype configures the type of file to upload from the switch. Agent Lag Delete Port. This attribute gives the current mode the switch is operating on.

This doesn't apply to appliances that have no POE controller. This attribute is not valid for other interfaces. Min value is one hour and maximum is a week.


Transfer download tftpserverip configures the IP address of the server where the file is located. This is the current actual speed.

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