понедельник, 3 февраля 2020 г.


Fenx Fenx 31 1 1 bronze badge. Are you sure you downloaded the right file? Sabrina You are using python 3. Make sure to download the file with cp I have read its possible to get it to work on later versions of python, but cannot seem to figure it out. pyhook for python 3.2

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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. I have managed to get pywin32 installed, but cannot seem to pyhook to work.

Use pip version This page provides and bit Windows binaries of many scientific open-source extension packages for the official CPython distribution of the Python programming language. Vladamir Vladamir 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 8 8 bronze badges.

Pythoon binaries depend on numpy Source code changes, if any, have been submitted to the project maintainers or are included in the packages. Many binaries are not compatible with Windows XP or Wine.

Please only download files manually as needed. Open your command prompt and navigate to the folder where you downloaded the module Type "pip install " and then the name of the file.

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Improving the question-asking experience. PyHook on python 3.

pyhook for python 3.2

There are different ones for 32 bit installs and 64 bit installs. Does anyone have a solution to install pyhook on python 3. Make sure to download the file with cp Asked 3 years, 7 months ago. The entire risk as pyhook the quality and performance is with you.

Sabrina You are using python 3. The files are unofficial meaning: The opinions or statements expressed on this page should not be taken as a position or endorsement of the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics or the University of California.

pyhook for python 3.2

Using whl in cmd gives error that the wheel is not supported. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Active 2 years ago. Download the py hook module that matches your version of python from here. Make sure that if you have python 32 bit you download the 32 bit module even if you have fro 64x and vice versa.

Python Extension Packages for Windows - Christoph Gohlke

This is how I did it By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. The files are provided "as is" without warranty or support of any kind. If your pip install fr not success.

pyhook for python 3.2

Most binaries are built from source code found on PyPI or in the projects public revision control systems.

If downloads fail, reload this page, enable JavaScript, disable download managers, disable proxies, clear cache, use Firefox, reduce number and frequency of downloads.

module - PyHook on python - Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share pytyon. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count.

How do we handle problem users? This page is not a pip package index.

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